Nourin: A Quick Review

Ouch! Right in the testicles.
Ouch! Right in the testicles.

Life in the countryside is full of compromise to everyone except for one naive young man and his love for a certain idol. This is another one of these life of farmers idealized shows though I think it will be much more relationship focused than the others. Also, it’s a lot more silly than that other show with a similar setting airing this season.

At its heart, Nourin is a show about the conflict between the realistic and the ideal. The protagonist Kousaku sees only his ideal future where the idol he adores will be happy with the vegetables that he sends her anonymously with letters, but continues to perform. It’s what keeps him going in his quest to become an urban farmer. The modern-day Japanese hipster if you’d like to call him that. On the other hand, he has Minori who is all over him by telling him to get married to a girl around his age and close to him, of which she is the only one, then accepting his future as a rural farmer.

For those of you thinking that he could just be like a normal lead and not have to make a decision and have everything handed to him, there’s the warning signs coming from the most interesting character in the series. She’s nearly 40 and has never given up living like she’s young, but Betsuki-sensei is among the darkest characters this season. Her talks to the class are like being put on a knife’s edge. She talks one second about how she put oil on her skin to make it smooth only to come out of it within a couple of seconds being depressed because she thought she made lewd pictures out of it.

Well this escalated quickly.
Well this escalated quickly.

So in the end, Kousaku sees his idol directly in front of him. She’s clearly there because of him, so how do they end up together? Or don’t they. Also, will this fit into First Girl Wins?

4 thoughts on “Nourin: A Quick Review”

  1. With Yozora, Kuroneko and Senjougahara all bouncing off one another, and Masuzu just transferring in, how could this not be interesting? I’m fascinated just by the combination of seiyuu they have. As they go along and get used to their roles, this should be interesting. I’d love for HanaKana to break out in class with a ‘Ehhhhhhh?’. I’d fall out of my chair. Looking forward to seeing whether this chemistry cooks a delectible meal or a bundt cake collapsing under the weight of all the high-power talent. I’ll be there to see it in any case.

    1. I didn’t really keep the seiyuu in mind when I was watching it. I think HanaKana is in literally everything this season anyway. I think watching for seiyuu ends in tragedy for the most part. You end up watching the shows where they are just trying to collect a paycheck like that Z/X Ignition this season.

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