Wizard Barristers: A Quick Review

This is the most fake form you will see this season.
This is the most fake form you will see this season.

When a show uses a word like “barristers” in the title, my expectation is to compare it to all of the episodes of Law & Order and other legal procedural dramas that I’ve watched. So when the guy who killed people in the opening scene was sentenced to immediate death, I thought it was a little unfair. He should have the right to appeal damn it. Also, with the scene where Cecil was questioned by police, I was shocked that the police wouldn’t invent a reason to search her bag like they would in real life. Finally, I can’t get the thought of Jack McCoy fighting wizards using magic powers. Basically, this episode review is going to be entirely unfair.

The first opinion I had on watching it was that it felt like it was just a bunch of random scenes thrown together. It never really had a flow going for it. At least with an episode of a legal drama you get a chronological structure where you generally have an idea where it is going to conclude. I don’t think this show really has dramatic tearful confessions on the stand in its future.

Another thing this show seems not to have going for it is the fact that it is trying to be the “classy” legal drama. Norio Wakamoto voicing sexual harassment frog familiar was a terrible idea. Really? Why is that a thing? Don’t get me wrong, there’s not much of a problem with Wakamoto’s performance, but the character is just so wrong on many levels.

That was my reaction to this episode.
That was my reaction to this episode.

Then finally, I have to talk about the main character Cecil. Her naivety knows no bounds. I pretty much lost it when she offered to represent the person attacking her at the end. Man alive, just don’t press charges.

I hope this wasn’t horribly unfair, but overall that was a pretty comprehensive disaster of a first episode. Yet, I kind of want to watch more #StockholmSyndrome.

2 thoughts on “Wizard Barristers: A Quick Review”

  1. When I watched this I got this intense blast from the past feeling from the character designs and then I realized that it’s from the same guy that did Kite and Mezzo Forte. Finding out that he has since done stuff like Galilei Donna doesn’t bode well for the continued viewership of this story.

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